Since the early 1990’s, DD’s work has also expanded to encompass animals in mythology and wild animals, particularly the endangered species. In contrast to dogs and other domesticated animals, these creatures are entirely mysterious to most of us, a mystery her work celebrates, examines and honors. Through focusing on these beautifully diverse creatures, DD seeks to value and respect our planet’s co-inhabitors. You’re sure to enjoy the whimsy and color of DD’s animal sculptures.
Garuda - 2002
Blue Sky Horse - 1995
Ganesh - 2000
Green Bear - 2004
Rose Bear - 2006
Thai Dog Dragon - 2013
Dreamtime Dingo - 2009
Dreamtime Dingo - 2009
Scapegoat - 2012
Reluctant Werewolf - 2012
Baby Cheetah - 2015
Flower Cat (collaged with artificial flowers) - 2014
Turned Around Fox - 2015
American Fighting Cock - 2011
Garuda - 2002
52" long -
Blue Sky Horse - 1995
36" SOLD Best in Show North American Sculpture Exhibition - 1995 -
Ganesh - 2000
38" SOLD -
Green Bear - 2004
38" long -
Rose Bear - 2006
36" long SOLD Best 3-D piece Curtis Arts Center - 2007 -
Thai Dog Dragon - 2013
42"x38" Best 3D Piece, Curtis Center All Colorado Art Show, 2013 -
Dreamtime Dingo - 2009
28"x26" Sold -
Dreamtime Dingo - 2009
28"x26" Sold -
Scapegoat - 2012
32"x36" Sold Best in Show, International Exhibition of Animals in Art, 2013 -
Reluctant Werewolf - 2012
42 inches high -
Baby Cheetah - 2015
34 inches high -
Flower Cat (collaged with artificial flowers) - 2014
20 inches high -
Turned Around Fox - 2015
14 inches high -
American Fighting Cock - 2011